Top Of Today’s List

February 05, 2024

Dear Me, Before you log into your email and start sorting through the priorities on your task list, I want you to take a moment and recognize how far you’ve come in the past year; at work, at home, in your hobbies. I appreciate and respect your journey and the growth and resilience you’ve shown […]

Starting Line

December 16, 2023

Dear Me,  Stop waiting for the right time. You know you’re unstoppable when you put your mind to it. Now, right now, is the time. So, let’s go. What you’re about to do is about so much more than a medal, a pace, or even a personal record. It’s about the journey. It’s about believing […]

Stay The Path

August 22, 2023

Dear Me, You didn’t think you would make it the last few years, and here you are, still making it somehow. The days have gotten easier, and the stress has settled; you’re not always looking over your shoulder. In fact, you can go to the store without scanning the parking lot or the aisles. You […]