If I Had A Superpower

If I had a superpower, it would be one of two things: the ability to see around corners or love. If you know me, professionally or personally, you’ll know that both of these things are kinda true.

Remember the 1980s Care Bear craze? Each bear had an emblem on its tummy, and during their power routine, the “Care Bear Stare,” they projected their power to those in need. Well, I’m a bit like that cute, fuzzy, pink one called Love-A-Lot Bear. She’s peppy, witty, and quick, and she, like me, LOVES love. She wants everyone in the world to know that love can and does heal. Or, as the sign above my desk reads, “Love Always Wins.” Like Love-A-Lot Bear, I’m one of love’s biggest cheerleaders.

That said, the very 2000s concept of self-love was always kinda lost on me, and it’s something I still struggle with. I never even thought it was important. Until one day, I did.

One day, I realized that the love I so readily and rightfully gave to my family, my partner, my friends, and put into almost every action I take – at work, in the kitchen, writing a card, gardening, jogging, painting, writing… everything – well, I recognized that I needed to be giving some of it to myself.

So, I decided to write love letters to myself, and DearMe.Love was born. In other words, “Physician, heal thyself.”

DearMe.Love is a place where self-love is meant to be shared. You can read letters, write and submit letters for publishing, and share letters that need to be shared. It’s a place where you can tell your story and love yourself through it all.

So, writer, mother, father, child, spouse, teacher, punk, lawyer, dreamer, carpenter, preacher, artist – whether you’re hungry, well-fed, balling, fighting, or surviving – regardless of your age, race, gender, religion, location, or station, this is your call to action. Let love flow. It starts with you.

Read. Submit. Share. And don’t forget…

Love Always Wins,
